Vote for iShadow Application Suite

iShadow Application Suite is a toolset for Microsoft Terminal Services and Citrix support and troubleshooting with scalability adequate for a large server farm implementation yet is affordable for small deployments.

iShadow provides a broad spectrum of tools and capabilities: Server Management - With iShadow servers can be diagnosed with response indicators. iShadow allows server session lockdown, reboot and even abort pending reboots or shutdowns. Built-in support for service/process monitoring can alarm administrators when particular process or service starts or terminates. It can even attempt restarting failed service automatically after receiving automatic alert notification. Session Management - Provides customizable multi-windowed access to session snapshot for one server, selected group of servers or the entire farm. Optimized user interface provides access to session information, while allowing drilldown to features not available with similar applications. Color coding and pop-up alerts help to address personal responsiveness while reducing overall stress of managing hundreds of users in real-time situations. Has built-in support for user account lockout and password change/expiration. Supports both Citrix ICA and Microsoft RDP sessions. Sessions are resolved to actual user names. And more...


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