Comments for sepagoPROFILE

sepagoPROFILE Listing updated: October 22, 2007

sepagoPROFILE overcomes the limits of classic windows user profiles and combines high flexibility and performance with practically maintenance-free operation. sepagoPROFILE integrates seamlessly into any network. It requires no additional servers or databases. Not even logon scripts need to be modified. Implementation is straightforward: no fumbling around with each application's registry settings. Instead, perform a simple basic configuration and let sepagoPROFILE provide each user's complete set of individual settings in every session. Transparent migration from existing roaming profiles is easy: A migration tool batch extracts your users' settings and imports them into sepagoPROFILEs.

sepagoPROFILE not only supports terminal servers, but also client operating systems. As today?s application delivery methods become more and more heterogeneous it is more important than ever to provide one single set of personal settings on any device via any delivery method.
  • Company: sepago GmbH
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  • Users' Rating: 3.94 [33 votes] - Vote


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